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Thyme Hotel, England

I am at the point during Covid where I’m planning imaginary/dream vacations, and visiting Thyme in England is at the very top of my list. I’ve had this adorable hotel (or ‘Village within a village’ as they call it) on my radar for a few years and have just recently been spending quite a bit of time daydreaming about visiting and scrolling through their Instagram account.

I would definitely consider myself an Anglophile, but I think that anyone could find something to love abut this adorable place. There are floristry classes, a cooking school, multiple adorable restaurants, a very chic shop, cute chefs, and of course rolling hills, pretty walks, and lots of cows and sheep to see. Not to mention the beautiful hotel rooms.

Sign me up…

Are all of your English countryside dreams coming true or what? I have this very romanticized idea of the English countryside which is that I would be deliriously happy in a big, crumbling house filled with chintz and antiques, where my kids and I stomp around in wellies petting sheep and Justin and I head to the cozy local pub on Sundays.

And I don’t know about you, but the images of this place have me convinced that this is exactly how things are there. I’m sort of thinking about preemptively booking a (cancelable) room there in the hopes that we get Covid under control in a few months.

I’ll keep you posted!

all photos via @thyme.england instagram

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