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Authentic Gazpacho Recipe

I spent a summer in Barcelona when I was 20 and fell deeply, madly in love. Not with a cute Spanish boy or the architecture, but with the food. In particular: gazpacho. I had it at least once a day for the entire time I was there, and didn’t discriminate about its source. Restaurants were ideal, but cartons from the convenience store were totally acceptable – it was all delicious.

Over the years I’ve tried out a few recipes to try to recreate the perfect versions served in Spain, but with no luck…until now! I made this recipe the other day and it was the closest I’ve had to an authentic gazpacho. Creamy, tomatoey, garlicky, and super fresh. Lots of recipes I’ve seen call for ingredients like chicken stock and canned tomatoes but this one is super basic and traditional, and creates a beautiful cold soup that’s perfect for a hot summer day – or any day, really. Try it out

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